
Prevent Discomfort: Manage Varicose Veins in Your Feet

Prevent Discomfort: Manage Varicose Veins in Your Feet

Understanding Varicose Veins: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Varicose veins are a chronic disorder of the veins in the lower limbs (legs) that lasts for a long time. This condition occurs as a result of a disruption of the venous valves, weakness of the venous wall or a combination of both.


What are the symptoms of varicose veins?

Symptoms may include soreness or swelling of the legs when walking, then progress to discoloration of the blackened skin of the legs. Ultimately, ulcers can form on the legs that are difficult to heal. The next risk if not treated properly can cause bleeding due to rupture of the veins in the legs.


What is the treatment for it?

Therapy in varicose veins cases varies, depending on the severity of it in the patient itself. Starting from support therapy using special stockings, oral medication, and sclerotic agent injections to open surgery with the stripping method. In severe cases that require stripping surgery, it can be replaced with endovascular in the form of EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) / EVLT (endovenous laser therapy) using laser or heat energy. This results in a shorter duration of action, minimal pain, and is cosmetically pleasing as there are no incisions.


How to prevent it?

Prevention of varicose veins can be done by doing regular exercises such as walking, bicycling or swimming, then avoiding shoes with high heels. Take short breaks when doing long-standing or sitting activities. If needed, you can use special stockings to prevent .


This article is a collaboration between OONA and PERMATA CIBUBUR HOSPITAL

May 8, 2023

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May 8, 2023